dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

The Ball

People have played with a ball for milions of years. Before there were balls, people played with can. This was dangerous. Eventually, In 1822 the Greeks, invented a ball. But this ball was dangerous because It was made of iron. Later, chinese invented the leather ball.Up to now the same. 

Resultado de imagen de pelotas deporteResultado de imagen de pelotas deporte


I agree that I'm a person with many initiatives disposed to gain an important place in this world. I agree that  like I to be free, direct and clear with my opinions, which at times could lead to certain problems; however, this will not cause I to change my position. The text says that I will be protective of the people I love and are always willing to help those who need it and Is It really true. My physical energy is inexhaustible and I never seem to be overcome by fatigue and I'm agree with it. I think that is correct than me. The other sentence that I tend to have a lot of personal pride and sometimes my feelings could easily be hurt. 
I desagree that I was born to direct others, to provide initiatives to the world.
In conclusion, I'm agree with a lot of things.

Resultado de imagen de aries                                                   Resultado de imagen de aries